Camelback Inn Health Spa |
Activities Camelback Inn offers a myriad of different activities, basketball, pitch n’ putt golf to name a few. Take a dip in one of our three heated swimming pools. The lap pool at The Spa is available for the swimmer looking for a total work-out. Discover thousand-year-old ruins and the latest fashions on 5th Avenue. You can explore the region on horseback, by jeep, white-water raft, even hot air balloon. A “one-of-a-kind” experience awaits tennis enthusiasts at the Camelback Inn’s Tennis Pavilion, featuring six all-weather courts lit for night play, and one screened for private play. Plus, the Tennis Pavilion’s “matching service” will pair guests with players of equal skill level. Lessons, clinic, ball machines and racquet rentals are also available. Offered during holiday times, Hopalong College, the hotel’s seasonal program for children ages 5-12 offers a great assortment of fun, educational festivities sure to make youngsters feel at home. Kids enjoy arts and crafts, water games, tennis clinics, bicycling, nature walks, breakfast rides, ice cream socials, “camelhunts”, cookouts, Indian storytelling and computer classes.