Prickly Ash may cause an adverse skin reaction and could act as a sedative. Contains coumarins with potential anticoagulant effects. – S. Talalaj & Dr A.S Czechowicz, Herbal Remedies Harmful and Beneficial Effects, Hill of Content, Melbourne, 1989;
May cause nausea or stomach upset. Not recommended in pregnant or nursing women. – Newall CA, Anderson LA, and Phillipson JD. 1996. Northern and Southern Prickly Ash In Herbal Medicines. A Guide for Health Care Professionals. The Pharmaceutical Press, London. Pp. 219-221.
Avoid during pregnancy and in cases of acute inflammation of the stomach, internal bleeding or by patient undergoing treatment with anticoagulants. Avoid excessive consumption. – S. Talalaj & Dr A.S Czechowicz, Herbal Remedies Harmful and Beneficial Effects, Hill of Content, Melbourne, 1989; Dr. A. B. Howard, Herbal Extracts,1990.