The data obtained show that Spirulina contains unusually high levels of gamma-linolenic acid, an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid.
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Samples of spirulina have also been found to be contaminated with animal hairs and insect fragments.
– Nakashima MJ, Angold S, Beavin BB, et al.– Extraction of light filth from spirulina powders and tablets: collaborative study. — J Assoc Off Anal Chem 1989;72:451–53.
May accumulate heavy metals from contaminated water, consuming blue-green algae from such areas can increase the body’s load of lead, mercury, and cadmium. – Accumulation of mercury and other elements by spirulina (cyanophyceae). — Johnson PE and Shubert LE. — Nutr Rep Intl 1986;34(6):1063–71.